Top 10 Reasons NOT to Wait on Moving to Ideal Cloud









Don't Wait on Ideal Cloud

Don't Wait on Ideal Cloud 2

1. Cybersecurity:

Ideal’s robust cloud server and knowledgeable IT staff monitor 24/7 against ransomware, malware, and phishing attempts. Your data is protected with extensive firewalls and multiple offsite servers. In the event of a breach, your dealership operations are back up and running within minutes – rather than days or even weeks.

2. Your Current Server:

The older your server gets, the slower and more prone to failure it becomes. Severs over 3 years old have a 10% probability of failure and that number jumps to 20% by the time they reach 7 years. On-premise servers take more time and money to back-up, update, and maintain.

3. Reserve Your Data Migration:

Our Ideal cloud migration team converts and migrates your data as quickly as possible and at a time that’s most convenient for you. This means you can order Ideal Cloud now and schedule your migration later.

4. Cash Flow:

Typically, spring to early summer is a very busy and fruitful time for dealers. The increased cash flow helps reduce the upfront financial impact of migrating to cloud hosting, monitoring, and backup.

5. Everybody Needs More Time:

Whether you’re paying a third-party IT person to maintain your current server or doing it yourself, cloud hosting gives dealers and IT personnel the time to focus on what they do best.

10 Reasons Not to Wait on Ideal Cloud

6. Dependable Backups:

Backups and disaster recovery are included with Ideal Cloud, so there’s no need to pay for third-party backups.

7. The Price Is Right:

By getting Ideal Cloud now, you will take full advantage of our current promotion for a discounted price.

8. Server Availability:

With ongoing supply chain issues, servers are harder to come by and more expensive. You might be waiting for a while until the server is shipped, installed, and running.

9. Peace of Mind:

Your dealership’s data is managed, protected, updated, backed up, and fully integrated within Ideal. Since everything is in one solution, rather than multiple different on-premise servers, response times for support issues are faster. You can rest assured and safely access Ideal from anywhere with an internet connection – conduct your business on your terms!

10. Proven Reliability:

Cloud technology has been safely used by some of the world’s largest organizations for over a decade now and Ideal implemented its first cloud account over 3 years ago. Since Ideal began offering Cloud services, there hasn’t been a single dealer who wanted to move back to an onsite server.


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Written by Cristina Baciu

Content Marketing Writer, Ideal Computer Systems

Ideal Computer Systems is committed to the integrity of our editorial standards. We are dedicated to providing our readers with accurate and reliable information that they can trust to make informed decisions.

Update on November 29, 2022 | 3 minute read
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  • APA: Baciu, C. (2022). Top 10 Reasons NOT to Wait on Moving to Ideal Cloud
  • MLA: Baciu, Cristina. 9 September 2022 "Top 10 Reasons NOT to Wait on Moving to Ideal Cloud"
  • Chicago: Baciu, Cristina. September 9, 2022 "Top 10 Reasons NOT to Wait on Moving to Ideal Cloud"