Ideal’s Timeline of Innovation
Over the last 30+ years, we have paved the way for new and exciting dealership technology. Every year, we invest in making Ideal better by working closely with dealers to provide solutions to help their businesses thrive, no matter what changes impact the market.
The Target Platform Years
We are continuing to build on the Target platform every year. By taking an automation, web and mobile-first approach to solving problems dealers face in today’s market, we will continue to prepare dealers for the future.
Late 2022
Business Analytics
Ideal's customizable data visualization and dashboarding tool gives dealers visibility into what's happening in their business and in their industry in real-time, for proactive decision-making.
February 2022
Text-to-Pay and Customer Management Features
TargetCRM gives customers the flexibility to pay on a mobile device using credit card and ACH, as well as improved customer details and history tracking.
August 2021
Honda DIRT Report
Ideal teams up with Honda Motor Co., Inc. to deliver the Honda Performance Report for power equipment dealers. The industry performance reports include aggregate retail sales information from more than 1,600 Ideal and c-Systems dealers to establish industry benchmarks for performance, which dealers can use to inform their business decision-making.
April 2021
Integration with LEPCO
Ideal and LEPCO offer a new purchase order integration with their Ideal system.
March 2021
Key Manufacturer Integrations
Ideal announces the STIHL Purchase Order Integration, which allows dealers to submit their STIHL purchase orders directly to Crader Distributing and Blue Mountain Equipment through their dealership management system.
April 2021
TargetCRM Mobile App
Customer communications become even more convenient with the launch of the TargetCRM Mobile App. The app gives dealers the freedom to manage two-way text messaging with customers, send and receive pictures, and update customers in their DMS—directly from their mobile device.
March 2021
Parts Locator
Ideal makes it easy to look up parts at nearby dealerships and to sell aging stock to other dealers with Parts Locator, an integrated parts database connecting dealers in the same area.
November 2020
The First Virtual Summit
Ideal and sister companies c-Systems Software Inc. and Charter Software hold their first Virtual Summit for dealers. The event gathers industry speakers, OEM representatives and hundreds of dealers to learn about the latest in dealership technology.
October 2020
Ideal meets text messaging technology with the launch of TargetCRM, an automated communication platform. Dealers can send targeted promotions via text or email, survey customers to gage satisfaction, and offer text-to-pay convenience.
August 2020
Ideal Cloud
Ideal Cloud launches, making flexible, efficient dealership management easy by giving teams the ability to access their system from anywhere, at any time.
This release paves the way for a new era of mobile dealership management applications in Ideal.
July 2020
Gravity Payments Integration
Ideal partners with Gravity Payments emergpay™ to provide remote payments that automatically connect with customer invoices in Ideal’s dealer management system.
April 2020
Comprehensive OPE Market Data
In a joint venture with sister company c-Systems Software Inc., Ideal launches the Outdoor Power Equipment (OPE) Market Data Report. Drawing from over 1,500 dealers on a nightly basis, this data warehouse is the largest, most accurate source for dealership and market year-over-year trending information in the industry.
Ideal Target Platform
Ideal release the Target platform, the next generation of dealer management solutions.
The Mobile App Years
QuickBooks Interface
Ideal adds a QuickBooks interface, allowing dealers to ensure that all their transactions and invoices flow from the Ideal dealership management system into QuickBooks automatically.
Mobile Work Order Creation
The Ideal Mobile App gets a major update, now giving service managers the flexibility to create work orders within the app, without needing to return to a designated terminal every time they check in a unit for service.
Mobile Time-Tracking
Ideal makes service more efficient by adding new features to the Ideal Mobile App, including unit check-ins, work order clocking, labor time-tracking, and picture files.
Mobile Customer Service
Ideal adds new service and parts capabilities to the Ideal Mobile App, enabling dealers to provide better customer service by taking important information on work orders straight from their mobile devices and keeping more detailed records for warranty purposes.
Ideal Mobile App
Ideal is the first in the industry to launch a mobile app. The Ideal Mobile App runs on both Apple and Android mobile devices. Now, teams can easily perform key daily service, parts and inventory management tasks from anywhere in the dealership.
The Windows Years
April 2012
Gravity Payments
Ideal connects with Gravity Payments to offer streamlined payments processing.
Ideal reaches 1000 active customers
Ideal for Windows
Ideal for Windows is launched, bringing Ideal into a new era.
This new iteration of Ideal includes finance and insurance and shopping cart modules.
The DOS Years
Ideal reaches 500 active customers
General Ledger Module
Ideal launches a General Ledger module for the DOS program, paving the way for future digitization at dealerships.
Hello World, Meet Ideal
Dealers need a way to manage inventory, parts, and purchasing efficiently. Dennis Haefner teams up with OPE dealer John Herman to develop the industry’s first DOS business management software. Ideal Computer Systems is born.
Ideal changes the dealership game by offering electronic price lists and purchasing.

Ideal works closely with dealers to identify new opportunities for growth through technology.
Do you have a problem you think our software can solve? Get in touch with one of our dealership experts and let’s get the conversation started.
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